Volunteers are critical to the success of any non-profit organization, particularly Proton Pals Foundation! Whether you have an hour a month, an hour a week or an hour a day to help us serve cancer patients and their families, we would be thrilled to visit with you to discuss your volunteer interests.
Please contact us at info@protonpalsfoundation.org to schedule a time to meet to discuss current volunteer opportunities.
Volunteer opportunities might include:
General Office - Making copies, helping with mailings, answer questions, data entry
Community Outreach - represent PPF at community events, call businesses to discuss patient needs, work with families battling cancer
Special Events - help with greeting guests, ticket sales, auction items, decorations, etc.
Professional Services - donate services to further the PPF mission (i.e. graphic design, website, social media, legal and financial)
Tell us what you are interested in doing and we will work with you and/or your family to find a great fit!