The Proton Pals Foundation (PPF) Legacy Society is comprised of donors who have made or will make a legacy or planned gift to us. We welcome and encourage gifts of all sizes because they all will help cancer patients!
Legacy gifts (commonly referred to as "planned" or "estate" gifts) help you and other supporters meet your personal financial and charitable goals. Remembering Proton Pals Foundation in your estate is pretty easy. Here's how:
Designate PPF as a partial or full beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy.
Contact the company that holds your retirement plan or life insurance policy and let them know you would like to update your beneficiaries. They will send you a form or direct you to do so online. Fill out whatever percentage you would like to go to Proton Pals Foundation.
Remember PPF in your will. Including PPF as a recipient of a percentage or specific dollar amount is easy to do. Each individual situation is unique and, therefore, the following examples include only some of the possible gift opportunities. We encourage you to share your final will provision with PPF to ensure that your wishes will be properly followed and recognized.
Here is some language you can give to your attorney, or insert in a will that you are preparing yourself:
Bequest for Unrestricted Purposes:
I give and bequeath to Proton Pals Foundation, a non-profit corporation duly existing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the sum of $____ or ______ percent (%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate as an unrestricted gift to benefit Proton Pals Foundation.
Bequest to Benefit a Current Program or Existing Fund:
I give, devise and bequeath to Proton Pals Foundation, a non-profit corporation duly existing under that laws of the State of Oklahoma and located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the sum of $______ or ______ percent (%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, to benefit Proton Pals Foundation ___________ program. Should circumstances later render it impossible or impractical to use this gift for the purpose herein designated, then Proton Pals Foundation may use the gift for other purposes, adhering as closely as possible to my original intent.
Please contact Proton Pals Foundation to ask questions or discuss your interest in helping cancer patients through a legacy fit.
The sample language is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please consult with an attorney or tax adviser for advice and applicability of the sample language to your circumstances.
Legal Information:
Tax ID #82-0921608
Proton Pals Foundation
P. O. Box 721079
Oklahoma City, OK 73172