Proton Pals Foundation helps put on events throughout the year. While many of these events are celebrations or graduations for cancer patients, several events are fundraising events to raise money to help underwrite our programs and services.
We need individuals, businesses, civic groups, churches and foundations to join us in fighting cancer while supporting survivors.
Please contact us at info@protonpalsfoundation.org to schedule time to meet to discuss how we can work together to serve cancer patients and their families.
Many of our special events, including our OKC Dodgers Annual Survivor Event and our Spring Gala have individual ticket and sponsorship levels that are typically released six months before the event occurs.
Our Graduation Celebration and Survivor Luncheons can be sponsored for $500 per week or $1,500 for the entire month. For $10,000, you or your business will be listed as a sponsor at every luncheon for the next year!
To discuss your philanthropic goals, contact us today!