While Proton Pals Foundation was formed during the summer of 2-18, we, the beneficiaries of proton therapy, have been thinking about "paying it forward" since each board member graduated from our own treatment or our family member's treatment. Our goal with Proton Pals is to make sure everyone has access, resources, and support before, during and after their treatment!
Everyone reading this can help us by educating people about the availability and benefits of proton therapy at both the Oklahoma Proton Center and the Proton Therapy Center at the Stephenson Cancer Center at the University of Oklahoma!
Each of you can also help by donating your time, talents and resources to families battling cancer. Whether it's an hour a month or introducing our charity to others, everyone can help in some way.
To learn more about our work at Proton Pals Foundation, please go to our website at www.protonpalsfoundation.org or give us a call at (405) 492-7707.
